Bill Hufford
Since being introduced to Biblical Worldview, Bill has been avidly studying it and practicing it. A former city councilman for Casselberry, FL, Bill is following the precepts of his book Against the Current to drive culture change.
Lighthouse Biblical Adventures
Bill uses his years in business to advise believers in developing their business with a Biblical Worldview.
Speaker and Presenter
Bill is happy to present his understanding of Biblical Worldview to churches, groups, and organizations in 1, 2 and 4 hour blocks. Book him today.
A Guide to Culture Change
Against the Current
Once we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, we embark on a journey of personal change, but did you know that God has more for you than just a transformed you?
His word lays out God’s plan for redemption of culture as well as people. It isn’t with a sledgehammer, it isn’t by force, it’s by transforming culture change.
Against the Current is a guide to understanding Biblical Worldview. What is it? How do we do it? Why is necessary?
Intentionally short, this guide is a precursor to a comprehensive book. This is the perfect jumping-on point to see what God has for us in personal and corporate mission. As Bill points out, “Don’t do this alone!” Culture change is a group effort.
Priced affordably in paperback, eBook, and audiobook, this is a must-have book for any Christian who wants to live and live abundantly!

Lighthouse Biblical Adventures
Doing life and business from a Biblical Worldview has unique challenges and opportunities, but it is always an adventure! If you or your business needs a guide, LBA is an email away.